Discount on shipping boxes to FBA in USA - Fulfillment-Box Skip to main content
Get a 40 % discount on the preparation of boxes for shipping to FBA warehouses in the USA

While the weather is getting colder outside, the ‘hot’ season is gaining momentum. And we want to make it even hotter! Now, preparing boxes for shipment to Amazon FBA warehouses in the USA costs only $3 per box* (Masterbox)!

Preparing for FBA has never been as beneficial as now. After all, the discount applies to services at ALL Fulfillment-Box Prep Centers in the USA.

At the moment, we have 7 warehouses in different regions of the USA. You can efficiently distribute inventory and make nationwide FBA fulfillment fast and cost-effective.

*Price does not include delivery costs

Take advantage of this unique opportunity!

Find out more details from our managers and start saving in this ‘hot’ season.

    A warehouse in which country are you interested in?

    Julia Gordon

    AuthorJulia Gordon

    Head of the Fulfillment-Box Prep Centers network

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